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:: Volume 28, Issue 1 (9-2023) ::
Andishe 2023, 28(1): 85-100 Back to browse issues page
Metasynthesis in definitions and components of statistical thinking
Anahita Komeijani , Ebrahim Reyhani * , Zahra Rahimi , Ehsan Bahrami samani
Abstract:   (1378 Views)
The importance of statistics and its education in today’s world, which is full of information and data, is not hidden from
anyone. Statistical thinking is the main core of correct understanding of statistical concepts, data analysis and interpretation
of phenomena. With the aim of achieving a comprehensive definition of statistical thinking and determining its elements,
the present research has studied the researches of the last thirty years. This descriptive research has been carried out in a
qualitative metacomposite
method to provide an insight into the totality of existing studies. Based on the entry criteria,
123 researches were identified between 1990 and 2022, and finally, after screening, 22 researches were selected for detailed
review and analysis. According to the present metacomposite findings, the elements of statistical thinking are: 1) Being dataoriented:
paying attention to data, identifying the need for data, collecting and considering data, different representations of
data, and methods of converting them to each other. 2) Variability: Considering permanent changes in all phenomena. 3)
Statistical inference: paying attention to the types of sampling, reasoning and inference using statistical models, including the
use of statistical charts and generalizing the results from the sample to the population. [4) Analysis of the statistical context:
combining the statistical problem with the context.
Keywords: Statistical thinking, Statistical Literacy, Statistical Reasoning, Statistics Education, Metasynthesis.
Full-Text [PDF 256 kb]   (589 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/05/14 | Accepted: 2024/03/6 | Published: 2024/03/15
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komeijani A, reyhani E, rahimi Z, bahrami samani E. Metasynthesis in definitions and components of statistical thinking. Andishe 2023; 28 (1) :85-100
URL: http://andisheyeamari.irstat.ir/article-1-919-en.html

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