The use of administrative resources in censuses provides the possibility of reducing costs, improving data quality and producing information with a shorter time sequence. The mentioned cases, in addition to the annual monitoring of indicators of sustainable development goals, can also play a significant role in meeting the growing needs of the country's planning and research system, but there are many challenges in this regard, one of the most important of which is the assessment of the quality of administrative data. Quality assessment is the most important aspect of using registration and administrative data in the census, and it is one of the necessities of the registers-based population and housing censuses, where traditional quality assessment criteria cannot be used. In other words, despite the advantages of using register and administrative data in the census, there are many key quality risks that need to be addressed and assessed before using them in the census. In this paper, the methods by which the national statistics offices can evaluate the quality of the data obtained from the registers with the aim of producing high-quality statistical outputs have been reviewed. Therefore, the tools and key indicators used to quantify the quality assessment in each of the four stages of quality assessment including source, input data, process and output in the census process are introduced.
torabi kahlan P, kalhori nadrabadi L. Introduction of tools and key indicators to assess the quality of administrative data for use in the population and housing census. Andishe 2023; 28 (1) :27-41 URL: