In Type-II progressive censoring, determining the optimal censoring scheme among all those available censoring schemes is
an essential practical issue. Multi-objective optimal approach try to find the optimal design by considering multiple objectives
simultaneously. In this article, by considering two criteria and using compound optimal approach, the optimal random
removal vector is obtained in Type-II progressive censoring design with dependent random removal mechanism based on
logit link function. The considered dependent random removal mechanism based on the logit link function, including tunning
parameters which are determined by the experimenter according to the goals of experiment and possible failure distances.
These parameters adjust the removal probability in the random removal mechanism in order to reduce the cost and time
of experiment. Determining the optimal value of these parameters according to the optimal criterion results in the optimal
removal vector. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the compound optimal approach and compare the performance
of the proposed approach with single-objective optimal design. At the end, the conclusions and few possible further works
are presented.