Department of Statistics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
Abstract: (1161 Views)
The boosted mixture learning method, BML, is an incremental method to learn mixture models for the classification problem. In each step of the boosted mixture learning method, a new component is added to the mixture model according to an objective function to ensure that the objective function is maximized. Sometimes the likelihood function or equivalently information criteria are defined as the objective function of BML. The mixture model is updated whenever a new component is added to the mixture model based on the maximum likelihood function and information criteria.
Since the information criteria does not have the ability to identify equivalent models, therefore, it is possible that the new mixture model and the current mixture model are equivalent.
In this paper, the boosted mixture learning method has been corrected using Vuong's model selection test, which has the ability to identify equivalent models. The performance of two learning methods is evaluated over simulation data and over the U.S. imports of goods by customs basis.
Zamani Mehreyan S. Correcting Boosted Mixture Learning method using Vuong's test and its application in the Gamma Mixture Model. Andishe 2023; 27 (2) :23-32 URL: