:: Volume 25, Issue 2 (3-2021) ::
Andishe 2021, 25(2): 1-11 Back to browse issues page
Bayesian perspective over time
G. R. Mohtashami Borzadaran *
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (2485 Views)
Thomas Bayes, the founder of Bayesian vision, entered the University of
Edinburgh in 1719 to study logic and theology. Returning in 1722, he worked with
his father in a small church. He also was a mathematician and in 1740 he made a
novel discovery which he never published, but his friend Richard Price found it in his
notes after his death in 1761, reedited
it and published it. But until Laplace, no one
cared until the late 18th century, when data did not have equal confidence in Europe.
Pierre − Simon Laplace, a young mathematician, believed that probability theory was
a key in his hand, and he independently discovered the Bayesian mechanism and published
it in 1774. Laplace expressed the principle not in an equation but in words.
Today, Bayesian statistics as a discipline of statistical philosophy and the interpretation of probability is very important and has become known as the Bayesian theorem
presented after Bayesian death. Allen Turing is a British computer scientist, mathematician
and philosopher who is now known as the father of computer science and artificial
intelligence. His outstanding achievements during his short life are the result of the
adventures of a beautiful mind that was finally extinguished forever with a suspicious
death. During World War II, Turing worked in Belchley Park, the center of the British
decipherment, and for a time was in charge of the German Navy’s cryptographic analysis.
He devised several methods, specifically from Bayesian’s point of view, without
breaking his name to crack German codes, as well as the electromechanical machine
method that could find the features of the Enigma machine. Finding Enigma can also
be considered one of his great works. Alan Turing was a leading scientist who played
an important role in the development of computer science and artificial intelligence and
the revival of Bayesian thought. Turing provided an effective and stimulating contribution
to artificial intelligence through the Turing experiment. He then worked at the
National Physics Laboratory in the United Kingdom, presenting one of the prototypes
of a stored computer program, though it worked, which was not actually made as the
”Manchester Mark ”. He went to the University of Manchester in 1948 to be recognized
as the world’s first real computer. However, later on, the role of Bayesian rule and law
in scientific developments becomes more important. Many possible Bayesian methods
in the 21st century have made significant advances in the explanation and application of
Bayesian statistics in climate development and have solved many of the world’s problems.
New global technology has grown on Bayesian ideas, which will be reviewed intion of probability is very important and has become known as the Bayesian theorem
presented after Bayesian death. Allen Turing is a British computer scientist, mathematician
and philosopher who is now known as the father of computer science and artificial
intelligence. His outstanding achievements during his short life are the result of the
adventures of a beautiful mind that was finally extinguished forever with a suspicious
death. During World War II, Turing worked in Belchley Park, the center of the British
decipherment, and for a time was in charge of the German Navy’s cryptographic analysis.
He devised several methods, specifically from Bayesian’s point of view, without
breaking his name to crack German codes, as well as the electromechanical machine
method that could find the features of the Enigma machine. Finding Enigma can also
be considered one of his great works. Alan Turing was a leading scientist who played
an important role in the development of computer science and artificial intelligence and
the revival of Bayesian thought. Turing provided an effective and stimulating contribution
to artificial intelligence through the Turing experiment. He then worked at the
National Physics Laboratory in the United Kingdom, presenting one of the prototypes
of a stored computer program, though it worked, which was not actually made as the
”Manchester Mark ”. He went to the University of Manchester in 1948 to be recognized
as the world’s first real computer. However, later on, the role of Bayesian rule and law
in scientific developments becomes more important. Many possible Bayesian methods
in the 21st century have made significant advances in the explanation and application of
Bayesian statistics in climate development and have solved many of the world’s problems.
New global technology has grown on Bayesian ideas, which will be reviewed in this article.
Keywords: Thomas Bayes, Turing, World War II, Bayesian rule, Enigma, Simon Laplace, Bayesian statistics, Fisher, Bayes in the 21st century, The future of Bayesianism.
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: General
Received: 2021/01/19 | Accepted: 2021/03/17 | Published: 2021/03/18

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